New Chapter.

Hi readers!

This is the first post; so I thought that it would be best to talk about what this blog represents to me. i started a blog a few years back- justThoughts. But then I eventually took it down. Simply because I wasn't confident in my writing. What had driven me to blogging was the belief that I was a writer at heart, but as soon as I was trying to write for an audience- I suddenly felt like I may have lied to myself. 
What that did to me, was that it took away my creativity- because I was afraid of just bringing out my raw thoughts, so I wrote pieces that I hoped impressed people. Eventually, because that was dissatisfying to the writer in me, i decided to just stop blogging...

But then I recently discovered that- If I'm a writer, then I'm a writer. No-one needs to validate that. I realised that I let my fear of not sounding good enough for people stop me from pursuing something that I felt I truly wanted to do. So i decided that- my writing needed to serve the purpose that it was meant for- to be authentic... It doesn't need to be poetic, profound, lyrical etc... it needs to be genuine- because ( like DeVon Franklin said in his one sermon), when we seek validation, we loose our rarity. 

So in my writing of this blog, I'm starting a new chapter- a chapter where I will release my thoughts unapologetically, and let the readers judge on the truth, rather than the modified version, of my thoughts.

Too often we let our fear of disapproval stop us from doing the things that bring us pure fulfillment... but with genuineThoughts, I hope to break that cycle; by owning my identity, and honoring my own fulfillment over the fulfillment of others- because at the end of the day, I have to wake up with myself everyday.... 

to being genuine!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm not sure what made you delete this friend. .. I actually didn't know you'd commented on it hey.


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