Answers... where?

No one is trained for life.No one knows how to deal with being lied to, being betrayed, failing, feeling overwhelmed. ..  
Almost everything that we run into as we begin to adult- we don't have tools do deal with. We have to deal with tragedy, emotional turmoil, things not working out, people not being what they seemed (then we realise that they aren't perfect, yet we still desperately expect them to be so)... we have to deal with the unpredictable nature of life and take the hits it throws unannounced...
and then we also have to navigate who we are; as we learn that even to self, the self is complicated - she sometimes seems like she doesn't even know what she wants or who she is  and where she's going...

Life is crazy. The only things we have answers to are the ones that don't matter... we have answers to dealing with algebra , trigonometry, textbook business, biology, accounting ledgers... but the issues that matter-the ones that torment us when we are lying on our beds in the dark- we haven't got answers to... I mean we can treat a heart attack, but we can't heal a broken heart... we don't find that in our academic syllabus.

What's crazy -and i think what makes our struggles worse actually- is that in our turmoil, we think that we are supposed to have a solution and we feel like everyone else surely has this figured out. Yet, that couldn't be further from the truth; because no person has ever seen a memorandum for this test called life, and everyone is just as unsure as the next person...
So I personally think that we must all come to a point where we grasp that our reality is that we haven't got solutions to the issues that truly mean something- so we must stop feeling the pressure to make sense of it all when we can't...

However, may we all just posses the spirit of survival ( and accept that nothing and no one is perfect). I say so because it is that spirit that will help us find our own personal & unique tools to remain sane in the turmoil- while we wait to arrive on the other side. Yes, there is always the other side, and that's what this life is; a series of other sides- but it's only when we choose to survive- that we are able to see them...and enjoy them too.


  1. We can all live the best life for ourselves and not by mirroring that of someone else, what we hear, or what we read. Thank you

    1. That's absolutely what I've learnt as well... thank you for stopping by.


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